Meandering with Friends

The upper middle Rhine valley is a UNESCO world heritage site located in eastern Germany, famous for it’s unique micro-climate and many medieval castles that dot the landscape. Here are some pictures from my trip to this region.


Above, the flat river valley carved by the Rhine is flanked by steep hills on either side. The climate is ideal for growing some of the best wine grapes in the world.


Regional trains run along the river, offering a scenic alternative to high speed trains that take a more direct route. The steep banks are covered with vineyards.


Small villages are scattered along the river’s meandering course, each has a castle or two nearby.


These well preserved buildings are examples of “Fachwerk” or timber framing, an architectural style typical in the region.


Driving right next to river you can watch castles diminish in the rear view mirror as others appear over the horizon.


Castle Pfalzgrafenstein stands on a small island in the middle of the Rhine; Victor Hugo called it “a ship of stone”. Like its many adversaries it was built to collect toll from passing ships.


Modern ferries transport people and cars between the banks of the river, expertly navigating between large commercial barges.

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Up on the hills the vines were not yet ready to sprout in early spring.



The large outcrop on the left is named after Loreley, an alluring maiden who would distract navigators by brushing her golden hair. This is also the most treacherous section of the Rhine and a convenient myth is understandably the only excuse for unlucky captains.


The castle in this and the previous picture is commonly called “Berg Katz” or Cat Castle, local folklore attributes this name to animosity with nearby “Berg Maus” or Mouse Castle.


Across the river, lush meadows are punctuated with colorful farm houses. Watching the sun set behind this landscape was a very special experience indeed.

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Thank you Udo and Kati (and Nike of course) for making this trip an unforgettable experience.

2 responses to “Meandering with Friends

  1. beautiful pics. you stirred….going down the memory lane. don’t miss the bratwurst, zenf and coke. How was the easter get together?
    how do you feel crunching the world in your hand?
    see you soon…. another 10 days to go.

  2. Hi Monu, checking your blog we enjoyed your pictures very much. Where are you now? Did you go to Copenhagen?

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